R.E.S.T. Physically: Heart Problems
Short sleep was associated with more than a 45 percent greater risk of fatal and nonfatal coronary heart disease within seven to twenty-five years from the start of the study…
Adults forty-five years or older who sleep fewer than six hours a night are 200 percent more likely to have a heart attack or stroke during their lifetime, as compared with those sleeping seven to eight hours a night.
This year alone, hypertension (high BP) will steal more than 7 million people’s lives by way of cardiac failure, ischemic (lack of blood flow) heart disease, stroke, or kidney failure.
…One night of modest sleep reduction—even just one or two hours—will promptly speed the contracting rate of a person’s heart, hour upon hour, and significantly increase the systolic blood pressure within their vasculature (blood vessels). Walker, Matthew. Why We Sleep: Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams. Scribner. Kindle Edition.
So, we have an elevation of blood pressure because the sleep the deprived heart is pumping more blood per hour. We also have the Sleep deprived individual producing cortisol, the stress hormone.
Due to the lack of sleep, we also have the reduction of growth hormone. The lack of it stimulating the blood vessels to do internal repair, allows the wear and tear of blood flow to damage the walls of the blood vessels.
This makes the blood vessels more vulnerable to the plaque, build up that we call atherosclerosis (paste hardening or blocked arteries).
Heart attacks, high blood pressure, strokes anyone?
R.E.S.T. Physically: Diabetes
The less you sleep, the more you are likely to eat. In addition, your body becomes unable to manage those calories effectively, especially the concentrations of sugar in your blood. In these two ways, sleeping less than seven or eight hours a night will increase your probability of gaining weight, being overweight, or being obese, and significantly increases your likelihood of developing type 2 diabetes. (p. 169). Why We Sleep
Additionally sleep deprived individuals are more resistant to insulin.
Poor sleep reduces the production of Leptin which helps us to know we are full and should stop eating.
Poor sleep increases the production of Ghrelin which increases our appetite.
Short sleep study participants ate 300 more calories per day.
Less sleep produces a cannabinoid similar to the one in Marijuana – the munchies!
5 hours of sleep for one-week ages a man by 10 to 15 years in reduction of testosterone.
Men with sleep apnea have significantly lower testosterone than men who are not suffering from sleep disorder.
Men with too little or poor-quality sleep, have a 29% reduction in sperm count.
Men with reduced sleep have significantly smaller testicles (balls)!
The lower testosterone reduces the ability to concentrate.
And they have a reduced libido (sex drive).
Walker, Matthew. Why We Sleep: Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams (p. 179). Scribner. Kindle Edition.
The well rested brain can recognize facial emotional expressions and accurately respond.
A man with a rested brain can more accurately respond to his wife, church, children...
He can more accurately plan, enjoy and succeed in the date or occasion.
He can adapt and adjust to master depression and anxiety, both His and Hers.
He can manage the relationship problems.
A dream starved brain cannot distinguish facial expressions of one emotion from another.
In the tired brain the emotional facial expressions all look the same.
My Acrostic for M.A.N. Is Master All Nuances. The Tired and foggy Male cannot Master All Nuances!
Do You-ga! You-Go-After: What brings “D”
A pattern of consistent movement.
People who live long lives and can, garden daily
People who live long lives and cannot garden, herd sheep or goats, “consistent movement”
Ride your bike, take the stairs, Dance!
Play with the kids and grandkids
Push the Mower, Split the Wood, Weed Eater time…
Keep fit without even trying
M.O.V.E. - Manually Obtain Voluntary Exercise
Vitamin D – Delight or Awe
Increase the Delight in Your Diet!
Not just the taste of food, but delight in what you take in!
Enjoy what you partake of, love the sunrise and the sunset look up and see the beauty of the clouds.
Laugh at what is funny!
Crack the bone get the Marrow of your moments!